Limen Leap Labs
Payment Support Page

Thank you for your purchase you made at our payment gateway. There are two more steps to be done by you.

  1. Use the form below to generate a Koyn Code for the purchase you made.

  2. Use the generated Koyn Code at any of the offerings from us; Limen Leap Labs Private Limited. We use Koyns as an internal "currency" for all the services/products we at Limen Leap Labs offer. Each offerings from us has its own method on how to credit the Koyns you purchased.

    After you use this form, we will show you how to deposit these koyns, to credit any account.

For additional support, email

Payment ID:

The Payment ID is mentioned in the receipt that was emailed to you


How to use this form:
After you had purchased some Koyns, you would see an image on successful payment. The payment ID is mentioned in there at the bottom. Do not worry if you had closed that page: Our payment gateway had emailed you a receipt. The Payment ID is mentioned in that email also.